Getting Started

A survey takes ideas, resources, planning, and knowledge.  These resources are designed to help Harvard researchers find the tools they need to conduct surveys.

Be sure to see the PSR Survey Toolbox, which provides a set of guides to help you learn about specific parts of the survey research process.  The Worldwide Survey Resource Catalog is a comprehensive set on links to external resources about survey research.  The Program on Survey Research has tools available to help you conduct a survey; see PSR Resources and Tips.


Survey research requires special skills that are different from those used in other fields.  There are many ways you can get this training.  See Training Resources for more information.

Further Advice

The PSR provides a wide range of advising services to Harvard affiliates to help with survey research. See PSR Survey Advising.

The PSR Reference Library also contains many essential reference books to the survey process. 


There is funding available for you to conduct research at Harvard and elsewhere. See Funding Information for a for a list of places to look for funding.

Also see the Opportunities menu for specific funding options.

Human Subjects Reviews

Before conducting a survey at Harvard, you need to talk with the appropriate Institutional Review Boards about your survey.